Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Zelda Ardelle Ann Miller

It's a girl! We are super excited!

After months of waiting and lots of guesses from family and friends, we found out that we were having a girl. Jared who was dead-set on having a boy first went into shock after finding out that our little baby was Zelda not Enoch. The first words of out his mouth were "I have to buy a gun." When I laughed and asked why he responded, "I have to protect my women." At first I thought he was joking until I saw the look on his face. He meant it.

It took him a couple days before the shock fully wore off and he was back to his normal self. I can already see that Jared is wrapped around Zelda tiny pinky. Zelda herself is already Daddy's little girl. When he talks to her, she kicks in response. Jared turns to complete mush. My strong independent husband is a total softy! Its lovely.